[OSGeo-UK] Call to discussion on [QGIS-Developer] Theoretical discussion: A QGIS paid plugin marketplace? (was: sponsored plugin)

Valerio Pinna pinnavalerio at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 7 12:51:30 PST 2024

Dear QGIS fellows,

I would like to propose to the discussion a particularly important topic 
that other QGIS local communities are debating these days.

A few days ago a discussion started in the dev list on the possibility 
of establishing an official market for QGIS plugins, in which, in 
parallel with the official repository where free plugins are available, 
developers can publish paid plugins.


As the discussion continues on the dev list, many local communities are 
starting to discuss the topic, seeking to participate as a collective in 
the debate.

Given the nature of the topic, it would be very interesting for me and I 
think for all of us if there was a debate on the topic here too and if 
our local community could express itself on the matter.

Currently, there are different positions on this topic, having both 
people in favour and people against the proposal. There are certainly 
both pros and cons that both positions are trying to clarify and evaluate.

Personally, although not a priori against the idea, I'm quite worried 
about the proposal, even recognizing the that QGIS plugin market already 
exists, and of which I am somehow part, developing plugins for private 
companies in parallel with the plugins that I create voluntarily and I 
publish in the repository official.
I am honestly worried that this decision could open the door to a change 
of direction that from the current  fully open-source policy could lead 
to the questioning of the GPL license, which until now has been a 
founding element of QGIS and its community.

At the same time, very positive examples from other open-source software 
(e.g., Blender) seem to show that the combination of open-source 
software and private paid plugin development can cohabit without 
compromising the underlying values of the project.

Looking forward to listening to more opinions.


Valerio P.

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