[VisCom] Staff plan for OSGeo booth at FOSS4G (third serve)

Pericles S. Nacionales pnaciona at gis.umn.edu
Wed Aug 30 13:25:29 EDT 2006

Just wondering if breaking the schedule into more discreet time periods 
would get more people to sign up.  I know I can most likely do two hours 
at a time but can't commit to staying in the booth all day.


Arnulf Christl wrote:
> Hello again,
> Jody suggested to use our great new Contacts homepage to poke project 
> chairs more directly. MapGuide and Mapbender currently are the only 
> projects with full representation at the OSGeo booth, MapServer and 
> GeoTools have some representation (wouldn't this be a shame to the other 
> projects...).
> Here we go again:
>> Hello PSCs and corresponding chairs,
>> thanks for the many feedback on appearance at the booth.
> (this was blatant irony)
>  > Please have a
>> look at the staff plan listing the projects who have representatives for
>> their corresponding projects. Please check whether you find your name
>> there and if not add it:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/OSGeo_at_FOSS4G2006#Staff_Plan
> Just to make sure. We want the booth to be a thriving place of 
> communication and interaction. This is why we got this whole Foundation 
> thingy done in the first place, didn't we? This staff plan is not 
> designed by others for others, its you - OSGeo. Remember?
>> We have two conference passes to give away as incentive to volunteers.
> ...and currently work on more. But even those two are still there!
>> Before posting this information to discuss I wanted to give the project
>> chairs a chance to give them to someone. Needs to be worked out this 
>> week.
>> Hi VisCom,
>> please also add yourself to the list, we should be able to have at least
>> two responsible people (large X) [1] at the booth at any time. More is 
>> more
>> better obviously.
>> Many thanks,
> [1] (large X) does not refer to shirt sizes but to the legend of the 
> booth staff plan in the Wiki. Yes, you will have to open this URL to 
> find out what this means:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/OSGeo_at_FOSS4G2006#Staff_Plan
> While I am at it: I checked the docs in VisCom and there have not been 
> any changes to the flyers. If you need help, please ask. If you feel the 
> flyers are fine, fine.
> Booth staff is entitled to get one of those highly desirable OSGeo 
> t-shirt in any size that you request until Friday 13:47 GMT.
> The same applies to the EuroOSCON where participation until now is also 
> below sensor threshold.
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/OSGeo_at_EuroOSCON_2006#Confirmed_attendence 
> Chairs,
> you are near to almighty. Please come or make others come.
> Best Regards,
> PS:
> just to bother some more i added a return receipt and high level 
> priority message tag...
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