Any interest in an OSGEO booth at the 2007 NC GIS Conference

Julia Harrell julia.harrell at
Fri May 19 14:29:23 EDT 2006

Hi folks,

I'm on the program committee for the 2007 NC GIS Conference and while 
I'm not on the exhibits committee, I'd still love to see an OSGEO booth 
at our conference next spring. I'd also like to see a few presentations 
from OSGEO members. The program committee will be refining the scope of 
our program tracks over the summer and once we get a little farther 
along in that process, I'll be asking for as many Open Source GIS 
presetnation volunteers as the rest of the committee will let me get 
away with :)

Anyway, just wanted to let you know about this event and ecnourage OSGEO 
to secure a strategically placed booth now, before all the high 
visibility areas of the display floor get snapped up by commercial vendors.

Best Regards,

Julia Harrell
GIS Coordinator, NC DENR
julia.harrell at

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