[OSGeo-Board] Re: [Fundraising] Re: [OSGeo-Board] Re: [Fundraising] Re: [OSGeo-Board] Re: [Fundraising] RE: [OSGeo-Board] German OSGeo Chapter formation, bank account

Arnulf Christl (CCGIS) arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
Mon Aug 21 17:04:09 EDT 2006

On Mon, August 21, 2006 20:42, Gary Lang wrote:
> Arnulf,
> It is not part of a bias. It is an observation of what actually happened.
> They asked for help setting this up. Please pay attention to this fact -
> they did not want to do this themselves.
> If your theory on how to build OSGreo up is that we should have ignored
> their requests and just said 'Arnulf says you should just handle this
> locally', I find that puzzling.

Good. Maybe it is my job here to puzzle at things. I am interested in
continuing this interesting discussion. To not molest the other lists I
will reduce my rambling to the board list which is open to posts from
anybody and has a public archive.


> I think reality is colliding with your theory here. Perhaps some
> counterexamples would be helpful instead of repeating that there's a bias
> without demonstrating that this is so.
> The practical concerns w.r.t. the transaction costs you raise are worth
> considering.
> Gary
> --- Original Message ---
> From: "Arnulf Christl (CCGIS)" <arnulf.christl at ccgis.de>
> Sent: Mon 8/21/06 2:15 pm
> To: "Gary Lang" <gary.lang at autodesk.com>
> Cc: "board at board.osgeo.org" <board at board.osgeo.org>,
> "fundraising at fundraising.osgeo.org" <fundraising at fundraising.osgeo.org>,
> "discuss-de at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org"
> <discuss-de at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org>
> Subject: [Fundraising] Re: [OSGeo-Board]  Re: [Fundraising]	 Re:
> [OSGeo-Board] Re:      [Fundraising]	 RE: [OSGeo-Board] German OSGeo
> Chapter formation,      bank account
> On Mon, August 21, 2006 19:35, Gary Lang wrote:
>> Having just personally hooked us up with China and personally worked on
>> bringing up thr Japan chapter, I am not sure where this bias shows up.
>> Gary
> This way of thinking is part of the bias. Its not that you do something
> there but that they can do things by themselves. This seems to be
> incredibly hard to understand for many people.
> I assume your personal hooking OSGeo up with China has a solid commercial
> interest. Which is perfectly fine but different to the kind of bias I am
> talking of. I think that the OSGeo that I see growing is just one level
> more global than yours. We should share our visions or something like
> that.
> It is a different thing whether you dictate others what you think they
> need (and say "we need") and what they and you and I really need.
> This is funny. I did not bother a second to think about whether this
> request could be any issue at all. I am slightly stunned at the immediate
> responses. There are basically two reasons why I want to have a separate
> banking account. The first is that we need to put community money that has
> come out of the German conferences to good use. We (the FOSSGIS conference
> team) have decided to put this money into OSGeo. The second reason is that
> every time you shove money accross a border it loses value. The smaller
> the amount the less it makes sense. So the easiest thing is to set up a
> separate Euro account. If this is a big thing for OSGeo management and
> results in a costly overhead we will do it differently. We can found a
> small association with a bank account and then apply for an association
> with OSGeo. Same thing other way round. Would that be better? Either way
> up I end up on your doorstep sooner or later with some 5000 Euros sitting
> on an account waiting to be spent for some OSGeo activity. Are we going to
> make this difficult?
>> --- Original Message ---
>> From: "Arnulf Christl" <arnulf.christl at ccgis.de>
>> Sent: Mon 8/21/06 1:24 pm
>> To: "board at board.osgeo.org" <board at board.osgeo.org>
>> Cc: "fundraising at fundraising.osgeo.org"
>> <fundraising at fundraising.osgeo.org>,
>> "discuss-de at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org"
>> <discuss-de at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Fundraising]	 Re: [OSGeo-Board] Re: [Fundraising]	 RE:
>> [OSGeo-Board] German OSGeo Chapter formation, bank account
>> Gary Lang wrote:
>>> I also wonder what the impetus is. It seems like another governance
>>> issue, wherein local chapters could register their localized
>>> dissatisfaction with global decisions by funneling funds while enjoying
>>> the benefits that we provide.
>>> I can't think of a practical reason for doing this.
>> The practical reason is that Autodesk does not have to ship one set of
>> posters around the world in all languages but that all languages can
>> take care of it themselves. We need local money to pay for local
>> expenses. Else a lot simply ends up in superfluous transactions fees.
>>  > enjoying the benefits that we provide.
>> Who is "we"? Are you

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