[Webcom] Donate button on website

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Wed Jul 11 05:08:21 EDT 2007

Dave is right, a Donate page would be useful.
Tyler's box is cool and should have a "more ..." link to go to Donate page.

Do we offer visibity to donors?


Dave Patton wrote:
> Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We recently got all our PayPal account straightened out and can now 
>> accept donations at our paypal at osgeo.org address.  I have put 
>> together a few buttons for use on the website.  Please see the lower 
>> right corner of the OSGeo test website:
>> http://test.osgeo.net/
>> Can you give suggestions for where to place this on the site?
> Aside from having 'donate buttons' elsewhere on the OSGeo website,
> wiki, or other places such as on FOSS4G conference websites, you
> might want to create a "Donate to OSGeo" page. It of course would
> have the 'donate buttons' on it, but it could explain why people may
> want to consider making a donation. It should also provide
> alternative donation mechanisms, if people don't want to use PayPal.
> In fact, if there are multiple alternative mechanisms, any
> 'donation buttons' or 'donate links' could link to the 'donations
> page', especially if it become too cluttered to try and have multiple
> denomination 'donate buttons' for multiple donation mechanisms.

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