[Webcom] Website theme changes!!

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Wed Mar 7 16:32:08 EST 2007

>> I think it will be easy enough to have two different themes - one copied 
>> from the other but with only a minor change between them.  Then on the 
>> mapguide site you will switch your site theme to the other one.

I do agree. I guess all projects would need a little independency and 
cloning the main layout putting some way to customize it would be a good 

I can help to implement it.


Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> On 6-Mar-07, at 7:06 PM, Robert Bray wrote:
>> Thanks Lorenzo.
>> Is the OSGeo Logo part of the Round Rectangle image at the top of the 
>> page? From what I can tell it is. I was hoping to put the MapGuide 
>> logo up there on the MG website with the OSGeo logo in the right side 
>> bar.
>> Anyone have any brilliant ideas how to do this on the MapGuide site 
>> without affecting the OSGeo site?
> I think it will be easy enough to have two different themes - one copied 
> from the other but with only a minor change between them.  Then on the 
> mapguide site you will switch your site theme to the other one.
> Tyler
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