[Webcom] File management

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Wed May 16 09:36:39 EDT 2007

I have tested in Firefox and IE 7.  IE seems to be fine, although for 
one action (clicking Submit after filling out the "File Meta Data" 
section) it seems a little wonky.  But it's usable.

Issues to be resolved:

- I still have this problem: after I upload a file in the "Web File 
Manager", I cannot click on the file and preview it (I get an "Access 
denied. You are not authorized to access this page." error)  I can 
access it through http://test.osgeo.net/files/webfm/conference/... 
though no problem.

- supported formats are only: jpg jpeg gif png txt html htm doc xls pdf 
ppt pps.  We must expand this to include Open Office formats (odt, ods, 
odp, odg)



Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Jeff and I were briefly testing a web-based file management module for
> drupal today.  You can test it at:
> http://test.osgeo.net/admin/webfm - but you will need Project Manager
> rights on the test site.  I'd like to install it on the primary server
> as well.  The nice part is that you can manage files and folders, but
> then also link to them in other nodes.
> It doesn't work perfectly with Safari, but is ideal for firefox.
> Could someone with IE test it out for me?
> Tyler

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