[Webcom] Website upgraded

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Wed Nov 28 11:30:22 EST 2007

Yes, sorry, FireFox works fine.  It's just that there doesn't seem to be
an alternate style for the "active" link.  On the old site (for example
http://mapguide.osgeo.org/download) the active tab had a slightly
different styling so the users knew where they were.

IE also appears to have a problem with spacing in the rounded-corner
boxes.  For instance, the tabs are not flush to the top of the header
box, and the right-side cap on the header box and the right-sidebar
boxes descends below the box.  I've attached images showing what I


-----Original Message-----
From: Wolf Bergenheim
Subject: Re: [Webcom] Website upgraded

> The layout doesn't seem to like IE7 very much; the right sidebar drops

> down below the content even at 1440 wide and the tabs/links don't 
> appear to work.

I see.. I'll see what I can do about it. It seems that ie is a bit not
so nice with width 100%..

>  In Firefox, they work but they've lost their alternate styling for 
> the active link.

Hmm strange... FF should work the same no matter what platform...
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