[Web Comm] Should we have a meeting soon?

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Tue Mar 7 15:09:49 EST 2006

Fred Warnock wrote:
> Jody Garnett wrote:
>>> I suggest Thursday night at 8:00pm EST I think that's 7:00pm central
>> Lets figure out timezones of people in the committee and then chose a 
>> time? 8pm is kinda out of the picture for me, or anyone in Europe, 
>> and since internationalization is a focus. The real choice is between 
>> asia an europe, or having two meetings.
> Thanks for the reality check Jody... ok, to that end, could you all 
> and your info
> name, location, timezone, current time
Jody, Jo'Burg, +2, 22:09

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