[Web Comm] Should we have a meeting soon?
Jason Birch
Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Tue Mar 7 12:31:30 EST 2006
That date/time actually works fairly well for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:fwarmerdam at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Frank
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 08:59
To: dev at webcommittee.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Web Comm] Should we have a meeting soon?
Fred Warnock wrote:
> Some of the things I would like to know and discuss are as follows
> 1) when are people able to actively work on the site? days(s) and
> time(s)
> 2) how often should we have regular meetings?
> - Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly?
> - best time seems to be in the evening 7 or 8 until 8 or 9 (lets keep
> them to an hour at the most)
> 3) how should we conduct our meetings?
> - we should have a clear agenda, at the very least we should come to
> those meetings with a list of issues that need to be discussed
> - I think each time, someone should "chair" the meeting to keep us on
> topic and on time
> - I also think someone should "record" the meeting as a list of
> assigned tasks, or issues etc. in a wiki. This person could also be
> the "chair"
Indeed, WebCom is a formal committee of the foundation and so it should
be doing some things in a business-like manner. Formal meetings should
be chaired, and minuted. Some sorts of things should be handled as
proper minuted motions, such as changes to the membership
of WebCom, adopted procedures and policies and so forth. A much more
informal decision making process is fine for day to day stuff like
"should we change this page to add such and such an item".
> 4) what are our priorities?
> 5) what do people want to tackle?
> 6) how do we deal with suggestions?
4-6: Good questions!
> 7) should we nominate a "lead" from our number? Does Frank become our
> "lead" as he's on the board? Is Daniel our "lead" since he's our
> community manager... I ask this since I work much better when a clear
> lead is established
The motion forming WebCom designated DanielB as chair. I am not
formally a member, though I will remain on the mailing list piping up
with suggestions sometimes and hope to sit in on some meetings. If you
wish to select a new chair, you would need to pass a motion recommending
a change to the board. The chair of WebCom is formally an "officer" of
the foundation and has reporting responsibility back to the board, and
is expected to maintain good order within WebCom.
> 8) site design ideas and organization. Jason I know you are already
> discussing this on the list, but a discussion could be useful to get
> "buy in"
> 9) Protocol with what we can decide on the list and what should be
> decided in meetings
Right. You need to set out some policies on this sort of thing, and
publish these policies on http://webcommittee.osgeo.org.
> btw, I've been reading a project management book lately called
> "Applied Software Project Management"... I don't normally talk like
> this ;)
I went through a heavy-duty project management and process development
phase when I was at PCI. I'm afraid I've largely reverted back to
seat-of-the-pants hacker since then. It is a good thing to expose
yourself too though!
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerdam at pobox.com
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