[webmap-discuss] Cross-project browser based webmapping workshop for FOSS4G

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Apr 13 18:14:21 EDT 2006


either myself or Zak James will try to attend the workshop ... I am  
involved in two other workshops and probably a presentation or two,  
but as long as the timing doesn't overlap I'll be there.  If it does  
overlap, I'll have Zak attend if he isn't otherwise involved.



On 13-Apr-06, at 4:10 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

> I'm planning to submit the following abstract for a FOSS4G Workshop.
> Could you please let me know if your project intends to have  
> someone at the workshop (so I can add it to the list below).
> ---
> This workshop aims to bring together representatives from browser  
> based webmapping clients to discuss opportunities to share code and  
> interfaces.
> In Open Source, we have the advantage that we can share code with  
> our competitors.  There are a lot of talented software developers  
> spreading themselves across a range of webmapping applications -  
> all of which have similar functionality.  This workshop aims to  
> identify common libraries that can be factored out from our  
> projects and spread development across our developer community.
> The workshop will cover:
> * Brief presentation of each project's design, features and use cases.
> * Discussion around a white board identifying common code.
> * Identification of libraries and interfaces to be factored out and  
> shared.
> We expect representatives from the following projects:
> * Mapbuilder
> * Mapbender
> * ka-map?
> * Open Layers?
> * Worldkit ?
> * CivicMaps ?
> -- 
> Cameron Shorter
> http://cameron.shorter.net
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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