Map Width/Height defined as a percentage in OWS Context

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at
Wed Dec 6 16:49:14 EST 2006


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cameron Shorter [mailto:cameron.shorter at] 
> Sent: 06 December, 2006 4:32 PM
> To: 'ows-4-geodss at'; 
> webmap-discuss at; Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
> Subject: Map Width/Height defined as a percentage in OWS Context
> Tom,
> Am I right in understanding that WMC and OWS Context always 
> specify Map Size in fixed coordinates. Eg:
>      <Window width="600" height="300"/>

Correct.  This was originally from the WMC days.

> With modern webmapping clients these days, maps are set to 
> fit within the HTML <DIV> element that encloses them.
> So what would work better for the context is to set window size as:
>      <Window width="100%" height="100%"/>
> The Area of Interest would then need to be calculated to fit 
> the specified BoundingBox. (We need to make the assumption 
> that users don't want to stretch images).

100% of what?  This is assuming that a client has a width/height in
place when loading a context.  What if my client purely derived from
what a WMC/OWSContext provided in Window/@width and Window/@height ?

Similarly, we encountered this when working on WMC 1.0.0 (i.e. honouring
bbox vs. window size).  It was decided that it would be up to the client
on whether to recalculate the bbox or adjust the window width/height
(i.e. when aspect ratio is off).

I would see this same behavious (i.e. letting the client decide) as can
be applied to modern webmapping clients also.

Does this make sense?

> Could you please add this to your OWS Context issues to 
> address/discuss.

For sure.  Thanks.

> --
> Cameron Shorter

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