Thinking about integration between Mapbuilder and OpenLayers

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at
Mon Jul 3 17:35:10 EDT 2006

(It is my intent that the email thread move only to webmap-discuss, so 
if you want to join in, I suggest joining this list).

I've been having a look at the OpenLayers code and I can see both 
technical and political issues to address.

In the trunk version of Mapbuilder we use a Layer Factory to create new 
layers for a MapPane.  This layer factory would be a simple place to 
replace our Mapbuilder code with OpenLayers code.

We will run into issues where Mapbuilder provides functionality not yet 
provided by OpenLayers.  Eg: WMS time series.  I think we have 2 options 
1. We continue using existing Mapbuilder code.
2. We port Mapbuilder code into OpenLayers.

Mapbuilder can still use the Model/View/Controller framework for XML 
data sources to drive various widgets.

Also, our graphics library, used for rendering lines polygons and points 
across browsers should be of use for OpenLayers if incorporated into the 
Openlayers framework.

There are sure to be some technical issues we need to address and I'm 
interested to hear thoughts from others.

By switching to use a significant potion of code from OpenLayers, 
Mapbuilder developers will be loosing an element of control over the 

How is OpenLayers controlled?  It seems like Metacarta has the last say 
over all major decisions.  Is this right?
Have you considered setting up a Project Management Committee similar 
other OSGeo projects?

Cameron Shorter

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