[webmap-discuss] ka-Map and OpenLayers - WMS-C

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Jun 24 17:41:54 EDT 2006

Paul Spencer wrote:
> The third discussion that also needs to happen on webmap-discuss is  the 
> issue of the proposed WMS-C standard proposal.  I am particularly  
> interested in this as I can see the tile caching component of ka-Map  
> forming the basis of a reference implementation of the proposed WMS-C  
> and living as either a separate project or an optional sub-project of  
> OpenLayers/ka-Map.

Steven would be best to talk to this as he is implimenting tiling within 
Mapbuilder, but I'm keen to see Mapbuilder's solution to be the same as 
ka-map/OpenLayers and I think that is Steven's approach too.
If we can use the same code (in the form of a joint library) then that 
would be good too.

Is anyone involved in developing the WMS-C spec in the OWS4 testbed?

Cameron Shorter

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