[ZOO-Discuss] ZOO Web Client ideas

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Fri Nov 13 05:14:14 PST 2009

Hi Jachym,
could I know if your WPS Client is able to produce dynamically HTML  
Forms (which could become realy complexe) and activate/add the  
appropriate tool to feed the process inputs ?

Did you already tried something like this ?

Maybe we could think it's a hard task to produce dynamicaly forms and  
activated the appropriate tool (to produce/select a geometry for  
instance) this way, but IMO the more generic the Client Side is better  
it is.

I know that the hardest part is for selecting / producing tool  
selection. But why can't we already think of some basic examples of  
automaticaly selected select/add/edit tool and then when the "process- 
feeder" Class is instantiated we can pass it what behavior we want to  

A Behavior could be a JS function which activate for the user the  
appropriate tool for building his own new geometry, the behavior could  
be as simple as the selectFeature used in the demo page. Then when the  
web site developer code his page he only have to decide which tool to  
activate (or to add if the tool is specific to this process).

Maybe we can even ask the user when he wants to run a process :  
"Please user, which tool do you wants to use to feed the first  
Geometry ?". This way, the user is free to make his own choice and we  
let the web client developer far from that kind of consideration...

Nevertheless, I want to say that if we can get something similar to  
MacOS X Automator on the web, which sounds something similar to the  
ZOO Logic idea, to create processes it could be great.
Just a note to tell that in Automator, they produce the forms in a  
dynamic way using something similar to the result of DescribeProcess.

I invite everybody to test Automator  and think about the same thing  
in a web interface. Is that an impossible task to put something  
similar on the web ? IMO no :)

Let me know what do you think Members.

Hope to hear from you,

Le 13 nov. 2009 à 13:21, Jachym Cepicky a écrit :

> hi, again,
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 11:33:35AM +0100, rldhont wrote:
>> Eric Lemoine a écrit :
>>> On Friday, November 13, 2009, rldhont <rldhont at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I think DescribeProcess could be use to create object to control
>>>> mandatory parameters, datatypes and mimetypes. It will be  
>>>> usefull, isn't
>>>> it ?
>>> sorry I don't get what you mean. Could you elaborate a bit please?
>>> Thanks,
>> In a describe process, we could find parameter's name, parameter's
>> mandatory, parameter's datatype or mimetype.
>> Based on a describeProcess, it's possible to construct a JavaScript
>> Object which could validate a process request. I think  
>> DescribeProcess
>> must be used to do this.
> yes, this is all solved in the WPS.js comming with PyWPS. But I would
> like to, if somebody would help with it's development
> Jachym
> -- 
> Jachym Cepicky
> e-mail: jachym.cepicky gmail com
> URL: http://les-ejk.cz
> GPG: http://www.les-ejk.cz/pgp/JachymCepicky.pgp
> Key fingerprint: 0C6D 0EAE 76BD 506C F299  ED8A C8AB 74B8 08D4 E08F
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Just a ZOO Monkey
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr

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