[ZOO-Discuss] Montpellier feedbacks

nicolas bozon nicolas.bozon at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 01:56:17 PST 2009

Hello Tribe

We had a good ZOO meeting in Montpellier last friday, at LIRM Lab ( 43°
38'.22 , 3° 50'.42 ).
Here are a few feedbacks:

The following pelople have attend the meeting:

Nicolas BOZON (3LIZ)
Bernd DECKERT (Student)
René-Luc D'HONT (3LIZ)
Gérald FENOY (GeoLabs)
Vincent HEURTEAUX (Geomatys)
Eric LEMOINE (CamptoCamp)
Guillaume SUEUR (Neogeo tech.)

During the morning session, the ZOO Kernel internal mechanisms have been
recalled and detailed by Gerald.
Multi-language and bindings mechanisms were discussed, and ZOO Kernel could
have been exposed as a service provider (load dynamic library)
Then, ZOO service architecture was detailed (source code + .zcfg metadata
file) and example source code was shown (example service with conf, input,
The server side ZOO API which will be needed by the end-developers was also
The ZOO Server architecture (ZOO Kernel + MapServer + PostGIS) was also
presented and some crazy stuff were said about AGG !

After that, Nick continued about the ZOO project itself, its organization
and its goals for community and buisness. Actual and future role of sponsors
and knowledge partners have been also explained.
This led to a very interesting brainstorming about licensing. Dual licensing
and restrictive licenses were get onto, and BSD, GPL3 and MPL (and
combinations we can think of) were discussed. We still have to make a choice
as our views still sometimes differ regarding the Kernel. I can remember
everybody agreed that the ZOO Web Client will be released BSD.

During the afternoon session, we came back a bit one the technical side,
with a ZOO Kernel install try by Guilllaume !
Then, Gerald explained the basic HelloWorld.py service and show some other
demos (multiply, OGR, CGAL (voronoi, delaunay)).
Others targeted services have been quickly discussed (GRASS, R, Sextante
(compatibility with FastCGI ?), SOS, OpenOffice).

Discussions then switch to ZOO Web Client developement with interesting
remarks from Eric and ReLuc.
ZOO Skins and concept of discovery were considered and limitations about
dynamic form creation was onece again discussed. If am right, the idea now
is to construct some WPS OpenLayers Protocols and to manage the outputs with
Openlayers Formats, as Reluc already did in his demos. Some more talks are
needed to make something really generic soon.
ZOO sandboxes creation has been suggested, and will be probably done both
for ZOO services and ZOO Web Client.

Best Regards,

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