[ZOO-Discuss] Montpellier feedbacks

rldhont rldhont at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 02:08:54 PST 2009

I just want to add that the first objective for the zoo project is to 
finish the implementation of the WPS standard.

I think that Gérald needs some help to finish this!

nicolas bozon a écrit :
> Hello Tribe
> We had a good ZOO meeting in Montpellier last friday, at LIRM Lab ( 
> 43° 38'.22 , 3° 50'.42 ).
> Here are a few feedbacks:
> The following pelople have attend the meeting:
> Nicolas BOZON (3LIZ)
> Bernd DECKERT (Student)
> René-Luc D'HONT (3LIZ)
> Gérald FENOY (GeoLabs)
> Vincent HEURTEAUX (Geomatys)
> Eric LEMOINE (CamptoCamp)
> Guillaume SUEUR (Neogeo tech.)
> During the morning session, the ZOO Kernel internal mechanisms have 
> been recalled and detailed by Gerald.
> Multi-language and bindings mechanisms were discussed, and ZOO Kernel 
> could have been exposed as a service provider (load dynamic library)
> Then, ZOO service architecture was detailed (source code + .zcfg 
> metadata file) and example source code was shown (example service with 
> conf, input, output...)
> The server side ZOO API which will be needed by the end-developers was 
> also discussed.
> The ZOO Server architecture (ZOO Kernel + MapServer + PostGIS) was 
> also presented and some crazy stuff were said about AGG !
> After that, Nick continued about the ZOO project itself, its 
> organization and its goals for community and buisness. Actual and 
> future role of sponsors and knowledge partners have been also explained.
> This led to a very interesting brainstorming about licensing. Dual 
> licensing and restrictive licenses were get onto, and BSD, GPL3 and 
> MPL (and combinations we can think of) were discussed. We still have 
> to make a choice as our views still sometimes differ regarding the 
> Kernel. I can remember everybody agreed that the ZOO Web Client will 
> be released BSD.
> During the afternoon session, we came back a bit one the technical 
> side, with a ZOO Kernel install try by Guilllaume !
> Then, Gerald explained the basic HelloWorld.py service and show some 
> other demos (multiply, OGR, CGAL (voronoi, delaunay)).
> Others targeted services have been quickly discussed (GRASS, R, 
> Sextante (compatibility with FastCGI ?), SOS, OpenOffice).
> Discussions then switch to ZOO Web Client developement with 
> interesting remarks from Eric and ReLuc.
> ZOO Skins and concept of discovery were considered and limitations 
> about dynamic form creation was onece again discussed. If am right, 
> the idea now is to construct some WPS OpenLayers Protocols and to 
> manage the outputs with Openlayers Formats, as Reluc already did in 
> his demos. Some more talks are needed to make something really generic 
> soon.
> ZOO sandboxes creation has been suggested, and will be probably done 
> both for ZOO services and ZOO Web Client.
> Best Regards,
> Nick
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