[ZOO-Discuss] Absysseo LBS SDK similar to ZOO-kernel & Geopard

Jonathan-David SCHRODER jonathan.schroder at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 14:51:50 PDT 2010


I am writing this on the ZOO-kernel list for info as to how Geopard wants to
position itself on the indoor location-based-services market
namely thanks to the ZOO-kernel.

Recently, I have found out about Absysseo ( http://www.absysseo.com/ ).
The company proposes an editor+mobile client+server kit for indoor mapping
able to plug with any geopositioning system.
Their product is implemented in .NET for the server and editor side and
MIDP/J2ME (java) for the mobile application proprietary with a proprietary
map format.

They have a SDK named Absysseo Development Kit (
http://www.absysseo.com/produits-services.php > ADK ), enabling third-party
developers to add new location-based services. Typically, I'd assume the SDK
allows adding new kind of map objects and new per-map-object-type associated
web APIs & dialogs.

Geopard is an indoor wifi geopositioning solution relying on openstreetmap
for the server stack with OSM v0.6 API, KML and SQLite webservices, the JOSM
editor with an in-house plugin to help drawing indoor maps and a Nutiteq
J2ME maps lib -based client. All components there are open source or will be
(the KML & SQLite webservices + the indoor JOSM plugin).
We hope that using the ZOO-kernel will help us adding
location-based-services more cleanly similary to what the ADK does.

Our first development goal is to have a robust and triplet (editor, client,
server) based on an OSM server, where all webservices are reachable through
either simple HTTP URLs or a OGC WPS interface. Later on, we'd use other map
server implementations behind the webservices layer.

Take care,

Jonathan-David Schröder
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