[ZOO-Discuss] libjs

René-Luc D'Hont rldhont at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 05:01:14 PDT 2010

I think, Gérald'll correct me, that the libjs you search for the 
compilation is SpiderMonkey. On Ubuntu there is a package with 
SpiderMonkey. SpiderMonkey provide a jsapi.h used in ZOO.

René-Luc D'Hont

Le 19/04/2010 11:26, Luca Delucchi a écrit :
> I everybody, i'll try to compile zoo on ubuntu/debian with all
> dependecies to create a page on the trac but if i try to compile with
> js it don't found the libjs. I don't understand what i must install
> for libjs, because in the packages [0][1] i found some libjs but are
> other softwares like jquery, prototype, etxjs ecc ecc
> regards
> Luca
> [0] http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=libjs&searchon=names&suite=stable&section=all
> [1] http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libjs&searchon=names&suite=karmic&section=all
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