[ZOO-Discuss] Thanks for inviting to ML / Geopard project

Jonathan-David SCHRODER jonathan.schroder at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 07:01:11 PST 2010

thanks for inviting to this mailing list,
I have worked between November 2009 and end of January 2010 on Geopard, an
open-source project
aimed at allowing the layman end-user to map his/her own building's levels
and inside contents
and make those maps viewable, searchable & manageable over several
interfaces : desktop (josm+geopard pluging), web(simple openlayers page),
mobile(nutiteq j2me maps lib-based much evolved client). Notable features
are wifi-geopositioning, and path finding both on android devices.
"open-source" here is not quite true, not in our intentions, because we do
want to release everything as open-source but in what have released so far
by lack of emulation
up on our sf.net page bzr repo : http://sourceforge.net/projects/geopard

The server side technology was and openstreetmap server stack (rails port
for a web read/write API, mod_tile+renderd for tiles requests handling &
caching, postGIS+mapnik for tiles jobs rendering) with increased zoom level
(up to 22, while default is 17).
We had to add 2 webservices to the stack : 1 to get kml for our building's
contents, using the query-on-map scripts hacked a bit ; another to generate
an per-building-level sqlite .db files of wifi beacons positions and also
walkable paths in order for the android client to take this db and query it
for doing real-time wifi geopositioning (which worked).

We want to try out ZOO-project instead of an OSM server stack in order to
try and stick to the OGC standards and have our webservices integrated
inside the wfs/wps interfaces which ZOO obviously allows to do with it .zsp

Here's a video about our project :
basically everything in this video is implemented except the menu you see
where you can choose between the close buildings - which is fake and was put
there just as a potential developement : we have support for only one
building for now.

So once we have trac access or svn-read access, we'll give you news on
deploying zoo and testing out the zsp interface.

Thanks again for allowing me in this project at least with mailing list
access and with trac access,

Jonathan-David Schröder
Student in 5th year at ECE, Paris, France
geopard has a blog : geopard.wordpress.com =>
geoparden.wordpress.com(updated) /
geopardfr.wordpress.com (not updated)
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