[ZOO-Discuss] ZOO Kernel on WIN32

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Sat Feb 27 04:41:26 PST 2010

Hi Folks,

Would be great to see a Win32 port for the ZOO-Kernel

I am not very familiar with porting to Win32 and it
would be great if someone on the ML could discuss
a possible solution with Gerald.



On 2010/02/24 19:01, Gérald Fenoy wrote:
> Hi ZOO Tribe Members, I would like to let you know that the WIN32
> port of the ZOO Kernel is on the way.
> In fact, cgic was successfully ported and works on WIN32 platform
> already, using our own modifications which let us support  fatscgi
> transparently. This first part works quite well.
> Nevertheless after we've sucessfully compiled the ZOO Kernel on WIN32
> platform, when We tied to run it from the Apache web server as a cgi
> script, it fails (from the command line the failure happens in the
> same place). The cgiMain function is defined in the zoo_loader.c
> file, this function uses the runRequest one defined as the following
> in the zoo_service_loader.c :
> int runRequest(map* request_inputs)
> In zoo_loader.c we had to put the function declaration also to be
> able to find the runRequest during the compilation process. As, at
> the ned of the compilation process we link all together needed object
> files (so also zoo_loader.obj and zoo_service_loader.obj) then the
> runrequest should be found in the final binary (an EXE file), but it
> seems that it wasn't.
> the thing which make me say that this function wasn't found at
> runtime is that, if you comment the runRequest call from your ZOO
> Kernel, compiled in debug mode, then your ZOO Kernel will work
> without any failure. If you add at the first line of the runRequest
> function body a reuturn 0; then your ZOO Kernel will fail again.
> I checked if it can be possible that I miss some DLLs int he same
> directory as where you run your ZOO Kernel, nevertheless dumpbin told
> me that everything is ok on this side (command dumpbin /dependents
> zoo_loader.cgi ).
> I would like to know if somebody in the Tribe can help us on this
> specific issue to finalize the ZOO Kernel WIN32 port.
> Hope to hear from you soon, best regards,
> Djay Just a ZOO Tribe Member gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
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