[ZOO-Discuss] ZOORequest - Zoo-api

nicolas bozon nicolas.bozon at gmail.com
Fri May 7 00:24:45 PDT 2010

Hi Scott,

Thank you for your interest in ZOO Project and API.

As René-Luc just said, you need to compile your ZOO Kernel with the JS
support (SpiderMonkey) to be able to use the server-side ZOO API.

Unfortunetly, ZOO4W doesn't support the Javacript support yet, so you will
need to compile on Linux. Once compiled and configured properly, you will be
able to use ZOO.Request and ZOO.Process server-side to lauch and chain
process with Javascript only.

More docs on the ZOO-API is planned to be published on the Wiki soon

Stay tune !

Nicolas BOZON
CEO - 3LIZ sarl
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