[ZOO-Discuss] some problems with the zoo-services examples

Marco Negretti marco.negretti at polimi.it
Fri Oct 22 07:27:59 PDT 2010

I installed the Zoo kernel and I guess that it works... the hello-py 
example works.
I'm trying to use the other examples in zoo-services dir but I had some 

=== gdal/translate ===
I can't compile the service: when I launch the make command I have many 
warning messages and this error message:

./service.c:135: error: 'mtoupper' was not declared in this scope

Some ideas?

I compiled the code and copied in my web server zoo dir
Ogr2Ogr.zcfg and ogr_2_ogr_service.zo

I think that the Ogr2Ogr.zcfg is wrong:
for example,
line 1:        Title = Convert raster data from one format to another.
line 21: (type of data input) : value = AAIGrid (Arc/Info ASCII Grid)
...and some other...

Isn't it a process for vector conversion?

I rewrited the Ogr2Ogr.zcfg, but the service doesn't work:
     <ows:ExceptionReport xml:lang="en-US" version="1.1.0">
     <ows:Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode">
         <ows:ExceptionText>No more information 

It's possible that I made some errors in my zcfg file, but... "No more 
information available"
Did someone try to use this examples?

=== ogr/base-vect-ops ===
I compiled the code and copied in my web server zoo dir Buffer.zcfg and 
The service work properly, I send as input a WFS map with one polygon 
and the service calculates the buffer, but the output is a .js file.

This is a part of service response:

         <ows:Title>Buffered Polygon</ows:Title>
             GML stream describing the buffered polygon feature.
         <wps:Reference href="http://localhost/tmp/Buffer_130521.js" 
mimeType="text/plain" encoding="UTF-8"/>

and this is an extract of the file .js with the buffer coordinates:
{ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 307875.325459, 5360132.252371 
], [ 307311.888640, 5360142.807357 ], [ 307309.284548, 5360142.924101 ],
  [ 307835.808046, 5358896.308003 ], [ 307875.325459, 5360132.252371 ] ] ] }

How can I get a gml file as output?




Marco Negretti
Politecnico di Milano - Polo Regionale di Como
email:  marco.negretti at polimi.it


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