[ZOO-Discuss] Error when running GRASS processes

Luca Delucchi lucadeluge at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 05:21:09 PDT 2011

2011/4/29 Soeren Gebbert <soerengebbert at googlemail.com>:
> I suggest you are using the latest SVN of wps-grass-bridge and grass gis?

yes, uploaded yesterday

> Is this error raster data related? What process are you running.

vector, I'm trying v.voronoy

> Please have a look at the file
> /var/www/zoograss/tmp/tmp_zXSaW/input_0. What does gdalinfo says? In
> case you are using base64 encoded data: is the data converted back
> into binary format?

there isn't tmp_zXSaW/ and tmp_zXSaW/input_0 maybe the problem is here...
I can try with a dataset already on my server to see if it work...

> Best regards
> Soeren



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