[ZOO-Discuss] Problem with XML execute request

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Sat May 7 07:26:05 PDT 2011

Hello Soeren,
Sorry for the delay in answering.

There is no change in the way ZOO-Kernel deals with Python services. In fact I used the setup you made on the ZOO-Project server earlier this year. As I said before in this thread, I've run tests using a fresh ZOO-Kernel compiled from the SVN source tree and didn't get any trouble to use the XML files located in the Testing directory using from curl command line tool (I didn't check deeper why, but I get trouble using the Python script to launch the requests, but as it worked perfectly from curl I guess there is something wrong in this Python script).
The v_voronoi service is running on the ZOO-Project server very well. As you still get access to this server, maybe you can check why it is working with the lastest ZOO-Kernel compiled from SVN tree ? Else, if you think, at it seems to be the case of Luca, that it is relevant that I made an upgrade of both GRASS 7 and wps-grass-bridge, please let me know and I can run tests on monday I guess. But I'm not sure there was any modifications in the bridge specific to the ZOO-Project support, isn't it ?

Hope to hear from you,
Best regards,

Gérald Fenoy
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr

Le 4 mai 2011 à 14:24, Soeren Gebbert <soerengebbert at googlemail.com> a écrit :

> Hello Gerald,
> here are the zcfg and python files:
> http://code.google.com/p/wps-grass-bridge/source/browse/trunk/zoo_services/v_voronoi.zcfg
> http://code.google.com/p/wps-grass-bridge/source/browse/trunk/zoo_services/v_voronoi.py
> The GlobalGrassSettings.py should only affect the
> ZOOGrassModuleStarter. In case there was set anything wrong Python
> should raise an exception and not crash ... .
> I think the problem may be related in the code of
> ZOOGrassModuleStarter as ZOO crashes trying to free some maps after
> the process finished. Has the Python API and the way the data is
> stored in the output map changed?
> The relevant code is located here:
> http://code.google.com/p/wps-grass-bridge/source/browse/trunk/ZOOGrassModuleStarter.py
> starting from line 130 - 142.
> I store the result in the output map as
> outputs[output.identifier]["value"] = content
> Maybe this is the problem?
> Best regards
> Soeren

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