[ZOO-Discuss] Testing the Mac OS X installer

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu May 26 12:20:31 PDT 2011

For the documentation, I am trying to test the ZOO installer for Mac OS 
X, on my macbook, running Snow Leopard.  (installer: 

(note: I must say that if I do development I do it on Windows or on a 
Gentoo machine...so I am not that familiar with development on a Mac)

- through MacPorts (http://www.macports.org/) I have apache2 installed 
in /opt/local/apache2/ (and I'm able to see "it works!" when I browse to 

- I then run the installer (ZOO-Project-Installer.pkg)

- the installer finishes and states:

    ZOO-Project was correctly installed on your computer. Please make 
sure that your Apache server is running and then access this link :


- neither link works on my local machine

- restart apache (same problem - no zoo demo)

- actually this brings to my question: what should the installer do 
exactly?  (what files should be modified by the installer, where should 
the new files exist?)

Sorry for these dumb questions.



Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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