[Zoo-discuss] Versioning system

Luca Delucchi lucadeluge at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 06:52:02 PDT 2013

On 2 July 2013 15:41, Fenoy Gerald <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr> wrote:
> Dear René-Luc,
> I simply changed the thread as I think it is the right place to ask such question. I mean, the zoo-discuss list.
> Angelos setup a github [1] which is up-to-date with the SVN server. I think this was sufficient.
> If you require the ZOO-Project to change to a more modern solution for version control, you should send a request for a vote on the zoo-psc/zoo-discuss list.
> This will then voted through the standard procedure (by email or during the next PSC Meeting).
> I guess we may wait for comment on ZOO-Discuss before requesting for a vote on that topic.

I like git concepts but I never use it for a "big project" but I'll be
happy to use it for zoo-project.
I think that zoo-project, as for the other OSGeo project, should be
not in github but in gitorious because the first is close source
instead the second one is free and open source

> Waiting for comments,
> Best regards,


> Gérald Fenoy



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