[Zoo-discuss] Debugging WFS request in GDB

Jerome Villeneuve Larouche jlarouche at mapgears.com
Wed Aug 20 12:50:25 PDT 2014


I'm trying to run zoo_loader.cgi in GDB to debug C services. The thing 
is that in my requests I use WFS url for the DataInputs and it seems 
that the "request" in the WFS is the one Zoo is trying to read, so I get 
"Unenderstood request value. Please check that it was set to 
GetCapabilities, DescribeProcess or Execute."

I'm trying to run this request in GDB.

"request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=Buffer&DataInputs=BufferDistance=10 at datatype=interger;InputPolygon=Reference at xlink:href=myserver.com/ows?SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&VERSION=1.0.0&typename=feature:drainage&SRS=EPSG:3857&FeatureID=drainage.1811&RawDataOutput=Result at mimeType=application/json"

Am I missing something to run that request in GDB?

It works fine when I send it through Apache.

Thank you

Jérôme Villeneuve Larouche

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