[Zoo-discuss] Introduction - Rémi Cresson

Rémi Cresson remi.cresson at teledetection.fr
Thu Aug 6 08:33:10 PDT 2015

Hello Nicolas and Gerald,

Should I share the code through the Zoo-Project trac first? The code is 
not really clean yet, I mean I have to improve a lot of things.

By the way there are issues related to code and contribution want to 
discuss about:
-the service require an autonomous application (i.e. completely 
independent of the zoo-kernel) on the supercomputer side (for job 
submitting) and this application must be compiled on the supercomputer. 
One way to cope with this problem may be to put this application 
separately in the third parties?
-I don't yet know the way to catch environment parameters (which are in 
the main.cfg)
-I have to understand how to properly activate the service at compile 
time (e.g. the use of #ifdef USE_MYSERVICE in zoo_service_loader.c ... 
where is defined the USE_MYSERVICE variable?) for now, I just don't use 

Thanks for your replies,



On 06/08/2015 07:36, nicolas bozon wrote:
> Hello Rémy,
> Welcome to this list and thank you for such feedback and contribution.
> It is very interesting to learn how Irstea is using and extending 
> ZOO-Project for the needs of the Geosud SDI.
> As Gerald mentioned, please feel to share your services source code 
> through the ZOO-Project trac directly.
> You are of course most welcome as new committer! Please accept the 
> committers guidelines on this list first so we can proceed.
> IMHO, you would also be a great and valuable addition to the 
> ZOO-Project PSC. This will first take a request from the PSC Chair and 
> then vote by other PSC members.
> Best regards,
> Nick
> 2015-08-05 15:02 GMT+02:00 Fenoy Gerald <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr 
> <mailto:gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>>:
>     Welcome aboard Rémi !
>     I am glad to hear that you are using the ZOO-Project and its OTB
>     support even if it was not your original goal as you need to run
>     the service remotely from the WPS server rather than running them
>     directly on the same server.
>     The work and the implementation you made looks very interesting
>     and is a real asset to the ZOO-Project giving it the capability to
>     be linked to a HPC infrastructure. So we welcome your contribution.
>     Anybody can contribute code to the ZOO_Project, obviously if you
>     need write access to the SVN then it will require that you are
>     part of the ZOO-Project developers [1]. You should be member of
>     the ZOO-Project PSC only in case you want to deal with the project
>     organisation, plan and so on.
>     Prior to ask the PSC for a vote, we should make sure that you
>     agree with the committer guideline [2], once confirmed, I can then
>     forward the request to the PSC.
>     Hope to hear back from you,
>     Best regards,
>     [1]
>     http://zoo-project.org/docs/contribute/code.html#for-registered-developers
>     [2] zoo-project.org/docs/contribute/dev.html
>     <http://zoo-project.org/docs/contribute/dev.html>
>     > Le 4 août 2015 à 15:21, Rémi Cresson
>     <remi.cresson at teledetection.fr
>     <mailto:remi.cresson at teledetection.fr>> a écrit :
>     >
>     > Hello,
>     >
>     > My name is Rémi Cresson, I work in the field of remote sensing
>     image processing. I am currently with french National Research
>     Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and
>     Agriculture (Irstea) to develop a geospatial data infrastructure
>     for the GEOSUD project. I work mainly with c++ libraries (GDAL,
>     OTB, ITK, GEOS, ...) for image processing pipelines development. A
>     goal of the project is to use supercomputers for remote sensing
>     data processing, binded with web services.
>     > We tried Zoo because it was the only open source WPS server
>     which has a friendly binding with OTB applications. We used it,
>     and found that Gerald did a nice work (at least a very solid proof
>     of concept). However, we needed to launch our programs from a HPC
>     architecture (i.e. not programs hosted by the WPS server as Zoo
>     kernel do with OTB applications libraries). Indeed, we wanted to
>     make use of our supercomputer's front node job scheduler in order
>     to delegate resources management, job submitting, ... That leads
>     us to implement a new Zoo service, which use ssh/sftp on the WPS
>     server side and DRMAA on the HPC front node side. This new Zoo
>     service basically transfert files between WPS server and HPC front
>     node, construct a command line and submit a job, then transfert
>     back files. We make it working with OTB applications only, using
>     the same .zcfg files (but with another service name). We think the
>     approach can be generalized to other existing processing libraries
>     (Grass, ...). In addition, it can for sure be extended to parallel
>     applications (MPI), as DRMAA can be used to dispatch process on a
>     given number of nodes.
>     > I want to contribute to zoo-project with this service, and I
>     might be interested to be PSC member of Zoo-project in a near
>     future, if however this is an option.
>     >
>     > Thank you for taking time to read this, I look forward to
>     responses !
>     >
>     > Cheers,
>     >
>     > Rémi Cresson - Research Engineer, Irstea
>     > Maison de la Télédétection
>     > 500 Rue de jean François Breton
>     > 34090 Montpellier
>     >
>     > _______________________________________________
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>     Gérald Fenoy
>     http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Djay
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