[Zoo-discuss] during compilation - fatal error: cgic.h: No such file or directory

karsten karsten at terragis.net
Thu Feb 5 11:26:48 PST 2015

Thanks so much Gerald,

Wohoo after creating the directory /var/data/public_maps everything seems to
work , at least I can get to the dashboard and it looks good so far !

Here are some more notes about the installation process I found while going
through it on a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server:

1. In order to be able to do the install I also needed to do 
apt-get install software-properties-common
(After and initial 
sudo apt-get update; )

2. When trying to cerate the screen called PaperMint doing 
Xvfb :11&
Gives an error that no JRE is found. Thus I installed an Oracle JRE (not
sure if that is the best option) by adding a 'pseudo' repository as below
add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
apt-get install oracle-java6-installer
This got the job done and got rid of the error at least. Probably that
requirement should be noted in the install guide

3. when working on databases required by MapMint
Note that we need to switch to postgres Linux user
su - postgres

When trying to cerate the database 
createdb -E utf-8 mmdb
I get this error (not sure why the template has SQL_ASCIIecoding set :

createdb: database creation failed: ERROR:  new encoding (UTF8) is
incompatible with the encoding of the template database (SQL_ASCII)
HINT:  Use the same encoding as in the template database, or use template0
as template.
A work around is to use am specify the tenplate0 as bellow:
createdb -E utf-8 -T template0 mmdb

Then after running
psql mmdb -f mmdb.sql
Everything seems tom work fine but I get some error messages like the one
psql:mmdb.sql:1011: ERROR:  relation "savedpath" does not exist
In am not sure if that is a issue I need to fix and if so how can it be
fixed ?

4. I am still not sure about the libreoffice installation that is required .
Is there any recommended package to install s prerequisite? 
I noted that in main.cfg the path has to be set see below


I have installed so far only 
apt-get install libreoffice-core
But that does not give me a similar directory
Any hints what I need to do ?


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