[Zoo-discuss] during compilation - fatal error: cgic.h: No such file or directory

Fenoy Gerald gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Thu Feb 5 02:10:02 PST 2015

Hello Karsten,
thanks again for your feedbacks about the MapMint Installation Guide.

I forgot to mention that it is required to create this directory. I just fixed the documentation available on github.

Hope this helps.
Best regards,

> Le 5 févr. 2015 à 00:07, karsten <karsten at terragis.net> a écrit :
> Thanks Gerald et all,
> I tried your suggestions below but somehow it just did not work.
> Thus I installed from scratch again into a new Ubuntu 14 server, did try to
> do the configuration correctly and now at least get to the login page -
> hooray !
> I tweaked some settings but am stuck once more after I log in to MapMint  (
> it says login successful - user authenticated  !) but then next I get the
> page saying
> Error!
> Requested page could not be loaded
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/data/public_maps/' 
> See below http://terra3.terragis.net/ui/Dashboard
> Thus I think the configuration is not quite correct yet but at this stage I
> am not sure which setting is wrong.
> There no error in the Apache log any more , but in the pg log I have this:
> 2015-02-04 17:47:18 EST ERROR:  syntax error at or near "[" at character 201
> 2015-02-04 17:47:18 EST STATEMENT:   SELECT users.*,(select name from
> mm.groups where id=id_group) as gname FROM mm.users,mm.user_group,mm.groups 
> WHERE mm.users.id=id_user AND mm.groups.id=id_group AND adm=1 AND
> login='test' AND passwd=[_password_]
> Seem that in the statement above the password is not resolved ,  somehow it
> can not be retrieved in the code  ...
> Below are my 'main' settings from main.cfg
> Any thoughts how to fox this ?
> Cheers
> Karsten
> ..............................
> [main]
> isTrial=true
> encoding=utf-8
> mmAddress=/ui
> dataPath=/var/data
> jsCache=dev
> tmpPath=/var/www/tmp
> supportedDbs=PostGIS,MySQL,WFS
> cacheDir=/var/www/cache
> 3D=false
> rootUrl=/mapmint/public/
> publicationUrl=/mapmint/pm/
> dblink=/var/data/mm.db
> mmPath=/home/src/mapmint/mapmint-ui
> #/mapmint/mapmint-ui/
> version=1.0.0
> Rpy2=true
> dbuser=npdb
> sessPath=/tmp
> applicationAddress=http://localhost/mapmint/mapmint-ui
> dbuserName=mm_db
> publicationPath=/var/www/mapmint/pm
> cssCache=prod
> msOgcVersion=1.0.0
> serverAddress=http://localhost/cgi-bin/mm/zoo_loader.cgi
> lang=en-US,ja-JP
> crs=IGNF:LAMB93
> cookiePrefix=MMID
> templatesAddress=
> language=en-US
> mapserverAddress=http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.cgi
> tmpUrl=
> templatesPath=/home/src/mapmint/mapmint-ui/templates
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi Karsten,
> thanks for your feedbacks.
> I fixed the typo and order issue you mentioned.
> About your specific issue, you should make sure that the apache user, which
> should be www-data if you are using Ubuntu, is allowed to access the 3
> directories mapmint-services, mapmint-ui and public_map (run chown o+rx on
> the directories from root). To test this, you may simply run the following:
> cd $SRC/mapmint
> sudo -u www-data ls mapmint-services mapmint-ui publica_map
> If this works then you should try to see in the apache error log file to see
> if more informations are available for understanding what is happening.
> I hope this helps you to solve the issue,
> Best regards,
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Gérald Fenoy

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