[Zoo-discuss] ZOO and Mapserver 6.4

Fenoy Gerald gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Thu Nov 5 02:22:57 PST 2015

Dear Luca,
as promised I take a quick look for trying to build the ZOO-Kernel against the MapServer 7.0.0 version.

Strangely it worked with only few modifications in the source code, in fact commenting 2 lines was enough to get it working. I probably tried before the official release of the 7.0.0 version cause it seems to work perfectly from what I can see. I’ve re-used the workshop material in the VM and put in place the MapServer 7.0.0 version, then rebuild the ZOO-Kernel and strongly it worked. Obviously I had to modify the ZOOMakefile.opts to fit with my MapServer setup (mainly to make it able to find the mapserver-config.h which was unfortunately not installed by make install from the MapSever directory).

I’ve made all the modifications required available in the patch attached to this mail to avoid having to edit any files during the building procedure.

So I would like you to try the following, starting a fresh svn checkout :

patch -p0 < ms7.patch 
./configure —with-python —with-js —with-mapserver=<FULL_PATH_TO_MS_SOURCE_CODE>
sudo make install && sudo ldconfig

This suppose that you run make not directly in the MapServer source code directory but in a build subdirectory. In other case you will need to edit the configure.ac file to point to your build location (it is required to find the mapserver-config.h file).

I have made only tests using the routing service from the ZOO-Project workshop so there may be some issue for some specific services but I don’t why we may have any issue in publishing something else than lines (the result of the routing service is a set of lines).

I hope you can confirm that the MapServer 7.0.0 support is working, if it is also working on your side, then I will apply a more general patch to the SVN and commit it. I think that we should keep the source code as it was for the 6.2.0 version which is working like a charm for some years now and adapt for the 7.0.0 version by using ifdef block around the two lines I’ve juste commented in the patch I provided.

I hope to hear back from you,
Best regards,

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> Le 5 nov. 2015 à 10:26, Fenoy Gerald <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr> a écrit :
> Dear Luca,
> thanks a lot for coming back on this topic.
> I’ve discussed the issue I faced when passing to 7.0 with Thomas during the foss4g in Seoul and he told me that now we have to initialize the map object with some initializing functions dedicated to allocate memory. Indeed from what I was able to try some months back the ZOO-Kernel failed due to segmentation violation which should be caused by a memory part which was not correctly initialized.
> I will try to upgrade to MapServer 7.0 on a VM and will let you know what are the result.
> Best regards,
>> Le 5 nov. 2015 à 09:33, Luca Delucchi <lucadeluge at gmail.com> a écrit :
>> On 28 January 2014 at 11:12, Fenoy Gerald <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr> wrote:
>>> Dear Luca,
>> Dear Gerald,
>> I'm back on this topic
>>> you should try using the following:
>>>> MS_LDFLAGS=/home/lucadelu/compilati/mapserver-6-4-1/build/libmapserver.so
>>> You kept the « -L » in what you gave initially.
>>> For the CFLAGS, I’m not sure this is correct as you said that you built Mapserver in some other place, so the "-I/home/lucadelu/compilati/mapserver-6-4-1/"  should point to the location where MapServer was built.
>>>> MS_CFLAGS=-DUSE_MS   -I/home/lucadelu/compilati/mapserver-6-4-1/
>> any news to compile zoo against mapserver 6.4.1? or in the worst case
>> did you try with mapserver 7?
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Best regards,
>> -- 
>> ciao
>> Luca
>> http://gis.cri.fmach.it/delucchi/
>> www.lucadelu.org
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Gérald Fenoy

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