[Zoo-discuss] Zoo - Mapserver Issues - Segmentation fault

Fenoy Gerald gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Mon Nov 23 05:47:25 PST 2015

Dear Jonathan,
I do apologize for answering your question so late.

I just give your service a quick try today and get it working without any modifications nor to your zcfg file nor in the service source code. I just slightly modified the name of the file to store the python module (I used test_service.py and referenced this name in your zcfg file).

When running your service in my local environment I can see it working perfectly and returning correct url to the MapServer instance.

Note that there is no need to patch MapServer to use it for outputting results as web services, it is only required in case you want to use MapMint and more specifically use on-the-fly encoding capability offered by the patch as some SLD fixes. Si there should not be any influence in using the standard MapServer 6.2.0 or the one patched with the MapMint patch.

What is really strange to me is that you have a 501 error with a segmentation violation which should never occur anymore. So this lead me to ask you what is the version of the ZOO-Project you are using ? If it is possible, may I ask you to use the latest SVN trunk version and report back any failure or success ?

I hope to hear back from you,
Best regards,

> Le 17 nov. 2015 à 07:51, Jonathan mayer <jonrmayer at yahoo.com> a écrit :
> Dear List,
> I am at a complete loss of how to get mapserver (6.20 with mapmint patch applied) to return a wms response
> Everything else works fine - I can get either a json or a gml response and mapserver is working propely on its own - I have tested it with a mapfile.
> I keep on receiving the following error:-
> Status: 501 Internal Server Error
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> All help gratefully received.
> Regards,
> Jonathan
> Config File
> [main]
> lang=en-US
> version=1.0.0
> encoding=utf-8
> serverAddress=http://localhost/zoo
> dataPath=/var/www/html/temp
> tmpPath=/var/www/html/temp
> tmpUrl=http://localhost/temp
> cacheDir=/var/www/html/temp
> mapserverAddress=http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv
> msOgcVersion=1.0.0
> .zcfg file
> [testgeo_ms]
>  Title = Compute boundary.
> Abstract = Returns the boundary of the geometry on which the method is invoked.
>  processVersion = 1
> storeSupported = true
> statusSupported = true
>  serviceProvider = testgeo_ms
>  serviceType = Python
>  <MetaData>
>    title = Demo
>  </MetaData>
>  <DataInputs>
>   [InputPolygon]
>   Title = Polygon to compute boundary
>   Abstract = URI to a set of GML that describes the polygon.
>   minOccurs = 1
>   maxOccurs = 1
>   <MetaData>
>       Test = My test
>   </MetaData>
>    <ComplexData>
>   <Default>
>    mimeType = application/json
>     encoding = UTF-8
>     </Default>
>  <Supported>
>    mimeType = application/json
>     encoding = UTF-8
>  </Supported>
> </ComplexData>
>  </DataInputs>
>  <DataOutputs>
>  [Result]
>  Title = The created geometry
>  Abstract = The geometry containing the boundary of the geometry on which the method  was invoked.
>  <MetaData>
>    Title = Result
>  </MetaData>
>  <ComplexData>
>  <Default>
>   mimeType = application/json
>     encoding = UTF-8
> </Default>
> <Supported>
>  mimeType = image/png
>  useMapserver = true
>  asReference = true
>  msStyle = STYLE COLOR 125 0 105 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 3 END
> </Supported>
> <Supported>
>  mimeType = image/tif
>  useMapserver = true
>  asReference = true
>  msStyle = STYLE COLOR 125 0 105 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 3 END
> </Supported>
> <Supported>
>  mimeType = application/vnd.google-earth.kmz
>  useMapserver = true
>  asReference = true
>  msStyle = STYLE COLOR 125 0 105 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 3 END
> </Supported>
>  </ComplexData>
>  </DataOutputs>
> Python File
> import zoo
> def testgeo_ms(conf,inputs,outputs):
>         outputs["Result"]["value"]=inputs["InputPolygon"]["value"]
>         return zoo.SERVICE_SUCCEEDED
> Example Request through ./zoo_loader_ms.cgi < /var/www/html/temp/a.xml
> <wps:Execute service="WPS" version="1.0.0" xmlns:wps="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0" xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0 ../wpsExecute_request.xsda">
>  <ows:Identifier>test_ms.testgeo_ms</ows:Identifier>
>  <wps:DataInputs>
>   <wps:Input>
>    <ows:Identifier>InputPolygon</ows:Identifier>
>    <wps:Data>
>     <wps:ComplexData mimeType="application/json">
> { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -105.998360, 31.393818 ], [ -106.212753, 31.478128 ], [ -106.383041, 31.733763 ], [ -106.538971, 31.786198 ], [ -106.614441, 31.817728 ], [ -105.769730, 31.170780 ], [ -105.998360, 31.393818 ] ] ], [ [ [ -94.913429, 29.257572 ], [ -94.767380, 29.342451 ], [ -94.748405, 29.319490 ], [ -95.105415, 29.096958 ], [ -94.913429, 29.257572 ] ] ] ] }
>     </wps:ComplexData>
>    </wps:Data>
>   </wps:Input>
>  </wps:DataInputs>
>  <wps:ResponseForm>
>   <wps:ResponseDocument>
>    <wps:Output mimeType="image/png" asReference="true">
>     <ows:Identifier>Result</ows:Identifier></wps:Output>
>    </wps:ResponseDocument>
>  </wps:ResponseForm>
> </wps:Execute>
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Gérald Fenoy

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