[Zoo-discuss] Zoo - Mapserver Issues - Segmentation fault

Jonathan mayer jonrmayer at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 16 22:51:12 PST 2015

Dear List,
I am at a complete loss of how to get mapserver (6.20 with mapmint patch applied) to return a wms response
Everything else works fine - I can get either a json or a gml response and mapserver is working propely on its own - I have tested it with a mapfile.
I keep on receiving the following error:-
Status: 501 Internal Server Error
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

All help gratefully received.

Config File

.zcfg file
 Title = Compute boundary.
Abstract = Returns the boundary of the geometry on which the method is invoked.
 processVersion = 1
storeSupported = true
statusSupported = true
 serviceProvider = testgeo_ms
 serviceType = Python
   title = Demo
  Title = Polygon to compute boundary
  Abstract = URI to a set of GML that describes the polygon.
  minOccurs = 1
  maxOccurs = 1
      Test = My test
   mimeType = application/json    encoding = UTF-8
   mimeType = application/json    encoding = UTF-8
 Title = The created geometry
 Abstract = The geometry containing the boundary of the geometry on which the method  was invoked.
   Title = Result
  mimeType = application/json    encoding = UTF-8
 mimeType = image/png
 useMapserver = true
 asReference = true
 msStyle = STYLE COLOR 125 0 105 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 3 END
 mimeType = image/tif
 useMapserver = true
 asReference = true
 msStyle = STYLE COLOR 125 0 105 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 3 END
 mimeType = application/vnd.google-earth.kmz
 useMapserver = true
 asReference = true
 msStyle = STYLE COLOR 125 0 105 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 3 END

Python File
import zoodef testgeo_ms(conf,inputs,outputs):        outputs["Result"]["value"]=inputs["InputPolygon"]["value"]        return zoo.SERVICE_SUCCEEDED

Example Request through ./zoo_loader_ms.cgi < /var/www/html/temp/a.xml

<wps:Execute service="WPS" version="1.0.0" xmlns:wps="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0" xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0 ../wpsExecute_request.xsda"> <ows:Identifier>test_ms.testgeo_ms</ows:Identifier> <wps:DataInputs>  <wps:Input>   <ows:Identifier>InputPolygon</ows:Identifier>   <wps:Data>    <wps:ComplexData mimeType="application/json">{ "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -105.998360, 31.393818 ], [ -106.212753, 31.478128 ], [ -106.383041, 31.733763 ], [ -106.538971, 31.786198 ], [ -106.614441, 31.817728 ], [ -105.769730, 31.170780 ], [ -105.998360, 31.393818 ] ] ], [ [ [ -94.913429, 29.257572 ], [ -94.767380, 29.342451 ], [ -94.748405, 29.319490 ], [ -95.105415, 29.096958 ], [ -94.913429, 29.257572 ] ] ] ] }    </wps:ComplexData>   </wps:Data>  </wps:Input> </wps:DataInputs> <wps:ResponseForm>  <wps:ResponseDocument>   <wps:Output mimeType="image/png" asReference="true">    <ows:Identifier>Result</ows:Identifier></wps:Output>   </wps:ResponseDocument> </wps:ResponseForm></wps:Execute>
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