[Zoo-discuss] keep the empty cache

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Sat Oct 31 18:11:34 PDT 2015

Hi Gerald and All,

On 2015/11/01 6:29, Fenoy Gerald wrote:
> Hi Pablo,
> I do apologize for so late reply, I was busy presenting the MapMint 2.0 product during one week of training here in Senegal. This is the main cause of the late reply, in fact I just read your email right now…
I see that you had a great Training Session at Dakar and
that MapMint (which uses ZOO at its core) worked like
a charm. I saw some of the impressive maps that the participants
could publish during your training session.
> I remember having a huge discussion on this some years ago, I think it was with Farkas which was willing at that time to become a ZOO-Project developper but I cannot find the thread again, let me try to find it tomorrow when I will be back to my home town and I will go back to you.

I think the mail below from Farkas was the one your were searching



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