[Zoo-discuss] Length of Output filename and service completion

rakesh prithiviraj rakeshuk at outlook.com
Thu Jun 30 03:51:28 PDT 2016

I had a strange behavior of  ZOO-kernel for certain processing requests. The GetStatus is always returning status as "Running" even though the processing is completed and returns with integer 3 (success) and GetResult file is generated. This does not happen always and it happens only certain times. My observation after several testing is that the length of output file name affects the behaviour of service completion. 
If the length of the output file name exceeds 44 characters (including the extension e.g. "S2_NDVI_USING_FTEP_B4_B8_20160629_1234567.tif"), then the processing never completes even though the processor return status "3" to WPS-server. 
This is how i set the output in Java at the end of processing.
 HashMap result = (HashMap) (outputs.get("Result")); result.put("generated_file", outputFilename);
In the above code, "outputFilename" points to absolute path and note that it is not the length of the  absolute path that affects the behaviour  but just the length of the filename.
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