[Zoo-discuss] Presentation

Rémi Cresson remi.cresson at teledetection.fr
Fri Jun 2 03:25:03 PDT 2017

Hello everybody,

I am pleased to join the zoo-project developers community. Quite 
recently, Gerald gave me access to zoo-project repository. I'll start a 
new contribution developing the feature I was proposing last month (that 
is, the styling of geospatial DataOutput published through MapServer).

I am currently with the Land, Environment, Remote Sensing and Spatial 
Information Joint Research Unit (UMR TETIS), French Research Institute 
of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (Irstea). I am 
also in the OrfeoToolBox Project Steering Committee. I hope that there 
will be more and more successful exchanges between the communities of 
the Remote Sensing image processing!



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