[ZOO-PSC] ZOO-PSC governance and voting

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Feb 18 21:28:08 PST 2010

> 1) Monthly PSC meetings on Skype starting form March
>      18th. I would like to propose meetings of
>      1 hour duration every third Wednesday (UTC Time)
>      at the following
>      UTC time
> Odd Months:
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2010&month=3&day=18&hour=22&min=0&sec=0
> Even Months:
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2010&month=4&day=21&hour=13&min=0&sec=0

+1 Jeff

> 2) Mandatory requirement for all PSC to vote on issues.
>      If there is no voting recorderd over a period of
>      12 months, the non-voting member will retire form
>      PSC.

+1 Jeff

> 3) ZOO-PSC ML (This list) open for subscription to
>      non PSC members.

+1 Jeff

If we want to operate this project as an Open Source project we must be 
very open and allow users to join the PSC mailing list, so they can 
provide feedback and see project planning activity.

> 4) ZOO-PSC ML (This list) Archives to be made public.

+1 Jeff

It seems odd to me that we are even considering making one aspect of a 
mailing list open and another closed.

> 5) ZOO-DISCUSS ML open for subscription to all.
>      (Presently needs approval of list admins)

+1 Jeff

Again if we want to operate this project as an Open Source project we 
must be very open - by making it easy for users/possible contributors to 
join discussions.

(I have more thoughts on this, but will use another email thread)

> 6) ZOO-Discuss ML Archives to be made public.
>      (presently not public)

+1 Jeff

(same comment above about operating as an Open Source project)

> 7) ZOO-Booth at FOSS4G-2010.

+1 Jeff - for having a booth in Barcelona, that we can all share, to 
promote ZOO and own own companies.

> 8) Funding for ZOO-Promotions in 2010,
>      booth sharing with ZOO-Partners etc to
>      be discussed in ZOO-PSC meeting scheduled
>      as below;
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2010&month=3&day=18&hour=22&min=0&sec=0

0 - holding my vote on this until we discuss this at the next ZOO meeting

> 9) ZOO-Kernel and Documentation Version 0.1 to be
>       released under MIT/X11 License on 13 April 2010

If you are looking for contributions by me, I know that I return from 
Japan on March 20th, and then another possible event in early April. 
The date suggested is not possible for me.

Can we discuss what resources are planned to meet this deadline? (who is 
doing what)  Maybe we could outline how many days of effort for each 
task also - we may find that we need a team of contributors for these. 
I'm also interested in hearing ideas from PSC members about how to 
generate some funding to support the required development.

-1 Jeff for now


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