[ZOO-PSC] ZOO Project WPS XML Validation

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Sun Sep 19 06:10:17 PDT 2010

Dear Venka,
as requested and after checking the wiki page, I've just made it publicly available from here : 

I am searching for an OpenSource XML validator which can be scripted from bash for instance. 
Note that we need a validator which is able to validate not only the XML but its validity against the OGC schemas.

I've also think about creating a Java program (why not a ZOO Service ?) which can validate answers provided by the ZOO Kernel to be able to make tests in an easier way ... Let me see what can be made available quickly.

Best regards,

Le 19 sept. 2010 à 01:31, Venkatesh Raghavan a écrit :

> Hi All,
> I have made some final edits to teh ZOO-WPS testing
> report at http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/wiki/ZooCompliancyReport
> Majority of PSC members have voted to make
> the report public. Gerald, please put the
> page for public viewing on the ZOO-Project
> wiki after final checking.
> We could also inform concerned people about
> availability of the report.
> Best
> Venka
> On 2010/09/18 18:43, Markus Neteler wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> like Daniel, I am also +0 since I don't feel sufficiently familiar with
>> XML validation but trust your work.
>> Markus
>> On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 10:37, Daniel Kastl<daniel at georepublic.de>  wrote:
>>> Hi Gerald,
>>> Maybe it wasn't clear to everyone that this thread should be an "official"
>>> voting. At least this was the case for me.
>>> +0 (because I haven't looked into it in detail)
>>> Daniel
>>> 2010/9/18 Gérald Fenoy<gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>
>>>> Dear PSC,
>>>> We still require one missing vote to get the required quorum. I think we
>>>> don't have to wait too much on this point for answering.
>>>> I'm waiting for your reply,
>>>> best regards,
>>>> Le 17 sept. 2010 à 02:29,<hayashi at apptec.co.jp>  <hayashi at apptec.co.jp>  a
>>>> écrit :
>>>> +1
>>>> Best,
>>>> Hayashi.
>>>> | +1 also,
>>>> |
>>>> | Best,
>>>> |
>>>> | Nick
>>>> |
>>>> | 2010/9/16 Gérald Fenoy<gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>
>>>> |
>>>> |>  my vote : +1
>>>> |>
>>>> |>  Best regards,
>>>> |>
>>>> |>  Le 16 sept. 2010 à 17:15, Venkatesh Raghavan a écrit :
>>>> |>
>>>> |>  We want to forward report to some concerned people
>>>> |>  (Raj at ogc, OSGeo board etc.) please give your OK
>>>> |>  for making the report public.
>>>> |>
>>>> |>  My vote is +1
>>>> |>
>>>> |>
>>>> |>  Gérald Fenoy
>>>> |>  gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
>>>> |>
>>>> |>
>>>> |>  _______________________________________________
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>>>> |>  Zoo-psc at gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
>>>> |>  http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/mailman/listinfo/zoo-psc
>>>> |>
>>>> |>
>>>> |
>>>> | _______________________________________________
>>>> | Zoo-psc mailing list
>>>> | Zoo-psc at gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
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>>>> Gérald Fenoy
>>>> gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
>>>> Siège social :
>>>> Futur Building I
>>>> 1280, avenue des Platanes
>>>> 34970 Lattes
>>>> Tél. fixe : 04 67 53 67 37
>>>> Tél. portable : 06 70 08 25 39
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Gérald Fenoy
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr

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