[Benchmarking] Running the tests on the command line and summarizing results

Andrea Aime aaime at opengeo.org
Mon Sep 14 09:40:04 EDT 2009

here are some quick instructions to get started doing benchmarking on 
the test box. It's a tentative setup and I'm looking for someone
to finish the job ;-)

In order to run jmeter you first need a jmeter script and possibly a
.csv file that drives its requests. I've attached a sample with
bluearble_ecw.jmx and bluemarble.csv

The .jmx file has to be generated using the JMeter GUI (it's an
xml file, if you want to hurt yourself you can also write it by hand),
the .csv file can be generated using Frank's bbox generator 
(wms_request.py, attached).
Of course the .jmx file contains the url that will need to be
hit, that is something relatively easy to change even in the
.jmx file.

Once you have those you can run a test using:
jmeter -p jmeter.properties -n -t script.jmx -l script_results.jtl

The jtl file is actually just a csv file with details of all requests,
you can run the summarizer on it to get a table summary with average 
time, throughput and so on, for example:

./summarizer.py states.jtl
Label	Avg	Min	Max	Throughput
1	19	13	41	45.0
10	85	12	376	80.9
20	179	13	851	84.7
40	435	14	2175	77.1

Now, it would be cool if we had a little wrapper that does
run both, something where one can call:

runbench script.jmx

and get the table as an output in one shot.
Any taker? ;-)


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.
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# Results file configuration

# This section helps determine how result data will be saved.
# The commented out values are the defaults.

# legitimate values: xml, csv, db.  Only xml and csv are currently supported.

# true when field should be saved; false otherwise

# assertion_results_failure_message only affects CSV output
# response_data is not currently supported for CSV output
# Save ResponseData for failed samples

# Timestamp format
# legitimate values: none, ms, or a format suitable for SimpleDateFormat
#jmeter.save.saveservice.timestamp_format=MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss

# Put the start time stamp in logs instead of the end

# legitimate values: none, first, all

# For use with Comma-separated value (CSV) files or other formats
# where the fields' values are separated by specified delimiters.
# Default:
# For TAB, since JMeter 2.3 one can use:


# Optional list of JMeter variable names whose values are to be saved in the result data files.
# Use commas to separate the names. For example:
# N.B. The current implementation saves the values in XML as attributes,
# so the names must be valid XML names.
# Versions of JMeter after 2.3.2 send the variable to all servers
# to ensure that the correct data is available at the client.

# Optional xml processing instruction for line 2 of the file:
#jmeter.save.saveservice.xml_pi=<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="sample.xsl"?>

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