[Bootcamp08] Registration for OSGeo BootCamp 08

Andrew Ross grof at rogers.com
Wed Apr 16 13:09:50 EDT 2008

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your email. Yes, confirmed. By adding yourself to the mailing
list, you are registered. We wanted to keep the process very light weight. 

There's plenty of room at this point. We have rooms confirmed to allow a
capacity of 658, no where near that yet on this list. 

Because I can easily see how many are registered, and chances are people on
the list are attending, or at least thinking about it. I was planning to
work backwards and ask if there are any registered on the mailing list who
are not planning to attend and subtract them. It seemed like a reasonable

I could use everyone's help to spread the word about the event and
especially to poke people who might make good speakers. On that note, I plan
to post the abstracts in the coming weeks and soon after post the

I am happy to report we have raised a firm $7K (tentatively $12K) of towards
our $20K budget goal for the event to cover the cost of food & prizes. Some
additional logos will be going up very soon as the companies provide them to
us. Any help finding potential sponsors would also help. 

If there's any other suggestions about the event, please feel free to shout
it out. I welcome the input and won't be offended.

Also, feel free to discuss travel plans, meet ups, and such. This list is
intended to be informal.

Thanks again,


-----Original Message-----
From: bootcamp08-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:bootcamp08-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Morissette
Sent: April 16, 2008 10:52 AM
To: bootcamp08 at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Bootcamp08] Registration for OSGeo BootCamp 08

How does the registration for OSGeo Boot Camp work? The website at
http://osbootcamp.org/osbootcamp6.html points us to this list to "register
and receive communications related to the event". I signed up a few weeks
ago but the list is still very quiet.

Does this mean that simply by being on this list we are registered? I know
the boot camp concept is kinda informal, but just counting the number of
addresses on a mailing list doesn't seem like a very optimal way to plan the
attendance of an event.

I'm planning to go with a few others from Mapgears, I also heard of a few
OSGeo fans from Quebec City who are interested in going. It would be good to
have an idea of who's going to be there... that could help some people
decide if it's worth for them to travel all the way to Ottawa or not.

I don't know if it would be appropriate to start a show of hands thread to
hear from those planning to go. Perhaps Andrew (as the lead
organizer) could start that thread if he feels it is appropriate for this

Daniel Morissette
Bootcamp08 mailing list
Bootcamp08 at lists.osgeo.org

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