[Workshops] RE: Call for Workshops

Gavin Fleming GavinF at mintek.co.za
Tue Mar 25 16:36:20 EDT 2008

Hi Jeff, of course be a member of the workshop comm. Burnie is leading it and Dave from your side is already involved. The draft is at http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G2008_Announcements and I see no edits have been made since the deadline so Burnie, could you or someone you delegate please post it and the proposal template on the conference website asap. We can't afford to lose any more time now. 


From: Jeff McKenna [mailto:jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca]
Sent: Thu 2008/03/20 01:06 AM
To: Gavin Fleming
Cc: Burnie Nawn; conference-workshops at lists.osgeo.org; inge.netterberg at gmail.com
Subject: RE: [Workshops] RE: Call for Workshops

Please include me on the workshop committee.  I have been involved in every workshop committee from the beginning of FOSS4G and I'd like to help make sure that the success continues.

I logged into the conference site but cannot find the latest version that you mention Gavin, can you include the direct link to your draft?  thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gavin Fleming <GavinF at mintek.co.za>
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 6:11pm
To: Burnie Nawn <bnawn at sarcc.co.za>, conference-workshops at lists.osgeo.org, inge.netterberg at gmail.com
Subject: [Workshops] RE: Call for Workshops

Conference-workshops mailing list
Conference-workshops at lists.osgeo.org
Hi Burnie and list

Please take note of and implement Dave's suggestions in his e-mail of 13 March.

The workshop subcommittee is Burnie (coordinator), Dave, Graeme, myself, and.., and ..?

I'm taking the wiki version Dave posted as the working version - I've made some minor edits to it. If no-one comments by http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=3&day=20&year=2008&hour=12&min=0&sec=0&p1=111 consider it final and post it to http://conference.osgeo.org/index.php/foss4g/2008/manager/schedConfSetup/2 (login as Conference Manager - username burnie and you should have an e-mail with your password sent when you were still at sefsa).

Where are your author guidelines / submission template? This needs to be ready tooas Dave pointed out and also posted onto the conference website under 2.3 on that same page. You need to coordinate with Inge and get help from Graeme to do this as call for papers go here too. This is critical as the whole submisison process will be managed through the website.

Once everything is in place on the website we can make announcements. I will be setting up a page similar to the FOSS4G2007 page with a communication policy.  Announcements can go out perhaps late this week else early next week to users registered on the website, to our buld-mail contact list and various other lists.

Announcements must go out as plain text, perhaps some html and images, no attachments.

Please send all contacts and lists you have or wish to send announcements to, to me, to make sure they get on our spammer.


Gavin Fleming MSc, Pr. GISc Technologist
Senior GISc and Sustainable Development Researcher
FOSS4G2008 conference chair
Mintek, 200 Malibongwe Drive (formerly Hans Strijdom Drive)
P/Bag X3015, Randburg, 2125, South Africa
w: +27-11-709-4668 c: 0845965680 f: 0866164820
xmpp (Jabber, Google Talk, etc.): gavinjfleming at gmail.com
Skype: phlemingo
27.9782E 26.0896S


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