[OSGeo-Discuss] Board nomination: Jeff McKenna

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Sun Oct 15 17:33:31 PDT 2017

Hi Rob,

Thank you for this thoughtful message.  I will think more on your 
advice, to be careful to not to blame negative behavior on a positive 
attribute, so as to not allow it to happen again.  I look forward to 
working with you, even if I am not elected, to as you said perfectly, 
make this community more awesome! Let's plan on meeting for an early 
morning breakfast soon at a FOSS4G.  -jeff

Good luck to all the great candidates.

On 2017-10-15 7:08 PM, Rob Emanuele wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> Thanks for your comments here and elsewhere. I appreciate that you are 
> taking ownership of actions that have caused conflicts in the past. My 
> one follow up comment is that you should, in my opinion, be careful 
> about pointing to the excuse of passion in situations where your words 
> or actions negatively effect others and the community. While your 
> passion may be a significant reason for you to act certain ways, blaming 
> negative behavior solely on such a positive attribute can potentially 
> dismiss the negativity and the harm that the behavior can bring, and can 
> allow for similar things to play out in the future.
> I respect your apologies here and elsewhere, and again appreciate you 
> responding to the concerns presented. If you are elected, I look forward 
> to you bringing your passion in a positive way to the board. If there 
> comes a time where the referenced concerns come up again in the future, 
> I hope you will not mind if I call it out, and point back to this time 
> and these discussions. I will do so as a friend, who is working with you 
> to help make our community even more awesome.
> Best,
> Rob
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 12:54 PM, Jeff McKenna 
> <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com <mailto:jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>> 
> wrote:
>     Hi Rob,
>     Thanks for voicing your concerns about me.  You are a leader and
>     your words are very powerful, I have much respect for your efforts.
>     I apologize if my passion sometimes causes conflict on mailing
>     lists. When I represent the OSGeo community, I feel the need to
>     always be open and relay concerns, as you have done here.  I need to
>     be more caring and respectful to others in this community.
>     I hope my open responses help answer a few questions, understand me
>     a little more, or at least bring more questions and good
>     discussions, so we can keep making OSGeo fun and always growing.
>     -jeff
>     On 2017-10-12 1:32 PM, Rob Emanuele wrote:
>         Hi Toshikazu, Nick,
>         Despite the fact that I have not been around long enough or have
>         not been in the right places to see directly a lot of the impact
>         that Jeff has had on the community, it's very clear from many
>         accounts that he has been an amazing and important figure in
>         OSGeo (a Sol Katz award speaks very clearly to this!). However I
>         feel remiss if I don't point out the following observation: as a
>         newer member to the OSGeo community in the past couple of years,
>         I've seen some intense and surprising conflict happen on the
>         mailing lists that were centered around or included Jeff, which
>         played out in ways that I believe were not good for community,
>         and were also not healing in their conclusions.
>         If there is a custom of only speaking positively on someone's
>         nomination thread, then I apologize. I do not want to detract
>         from praise that is well deserved. Is there a more appropriate
>         place talk through, address and hopefully dismiss reservations
>         about a nominee, and to also call for answers to the questions
>         Cameron has posted?
>         Thanks,
>         Rob
>         On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 7:02 AM, Toshikazu SETO
>         <tosseto at gmail.com <mailto:tosseto at gmail.com>
>         <mailto:tosseto at gmail.com <mailto:tosseto at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>              I also support the second nomination of Jeff McKenna.
>              He think important to friendship with all OSGeo
>         communities, because
>              I am proud of his philosophy.
>              I think, this thread will use comments on nominations and
>         should not
>              deep discuss to previous FOSS4G
>              circumstanceand responsibility.
>              Best regards,
>              Toshikazu
>     _

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