[fusion-users] Maptips on Mapserver (was: PanQuery and pink backgrounds)

Marc Pfister mpfister at enplan.com
Tue Sep 16 14:16:51 EDT 2008

Paul Deschamps wrote
>One thing you can try is to just offset it a little from the cursor position. it's not 
>a fix but if we are able to get the selection issue resolved  it would be less obvious. 
>Your widget is a good basis thus far. Here's one method you can do to preform the query:
>call a separate php script in the widget and in that script open up the mapfile then do 
>a queryByRect and return the results in json. 

Here's Maptips fixed to use a separate PHP script for MapServer. It now seems to work pretty nicely. The code should work for both MapGuide and Mapserver, though I don't have a MapGuide install any more to test against.

I've also added extension parameters for MapServer to specify which fields in the feature class to use for the text and hyperlink in the MapTip.

And to help it work with PanQuery, I added a 5 pixel offset to the Maptip div so that it isn't under the mouse and taking away focus. I considered making it an extension parameter too but maybe that's not needed.


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