[Gdal-dev] spatial filter

Chapman, Martin MChapman at sanz.com
Mon May 10 18:16:03 EDT 2004


A Spatial filter in the OGR sense is related to an area of interest on
the planet earth.  In other words it a geographic area on the earth that
is defined by a polygon using lat/lon or projected x/y coordinates.


-----Original Message-----
From: jody at ifi.unizh.ch [mailto:jody at ifi.unizh.ch] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 8:33 AM
To: gdal-dev at remotesensing.org
Subject: [Gdal-dev] spatial filter

I'm currentl looking at GDAL/OGR and stumbled over
the concept of spatial filters (OGRLayer::GetSpatialFilter()).

Since spatial filtering isn't defined anywhere on the OGR pages, and i
only know spatial filters from image processing, i wanted to ask you,
what the meaning of spatial filters in this context is.

Is it perhaps a way to select features within some kind of boundary?

Thanks in advance

 Jody Weissmann
 Computer Science Department
 University Zurich
 Winterthurerstr 190
 CH-8057 Zurich
 Phone: +41(0)1 635 43 17
 eMail: jody at ifi.unizh.ch

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