[gdal-dev] HFA RRD bug

Martin Chapman mchapman at texelinc.com
Sat Feb 9 22:52:00 EST 2008

In the file c:\software\gdal\gcore\gdaldefaultoverviews.cpp in the function
GDALDefaultBuildOverviews::BuildOverviews() on line 517 when I try to build
overviews for an erdas imagine file .img and using USE_RRD=YES config option


poOverDS = poBand->GetDataset(); 


call always returns NULL and then there is no check for NULL after that on
line 519 which causes the application to seg fault.  


poOverDS->oOvManager.poBaseDS = poDS; // KABOOM!!! because poOverDS is NULL.


Is this a bug?  Where should the dataset of the band be assigned during the
overview creation process?


Best regards,


Martin Chapman


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