[gdal-dev] Label from OGR Style in a VRT output over a tiff in a geospatial PDF

Christy Nieman cnieman at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Jul 10 06:17:40 PDT 2012

Thanks for the info.  I'll see what features I think would be useful and 
see if I can come up with patches.


On 07/10/2012 02:20 AM, Even Rouault wrote:
> Le mardi 10 juillet 2012 01:10:04, Christy Nieman a écrit :
>> It seems that there are other features from
>> http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_feature_style.html that don't work (e.g.
>> offsetting a label from the label point, using the pre-defined pen
>> styles).  Is everything supposedly implemented and the ones I've found
>> were accidentally missed?
> http://gdal.org/ogr/drv_pdf.html lists the subset of the OGR Feature Style
> spec that is currently implemented by the PDF driver.
> I believe that you should be able to workaround the lack of support of pre-
> defined pens, by defining a pattern ('p' parameter) that should be supported.
>> Or is it still a work in progress (i.e should I
>> file a bug with the style elements I can't get to work in my PDF tests, or
>> wait for awhile)?
> I don't actively work on it anymore for now. Contributions under the form of
> patches ( hint: edit GDALPDFWriter::WriteOGRFeature() in
> frmts/pdf/pdfcreatecopy.cpp ) kindly welcome, or if you can identify a
> reasonable extra subset of the OGR FeatureStyle spec that would be interesting
> to add, you can create a ticket. At first sight, dx and dy for labels and/or
> symbols should be reasonably easy to implement.

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