[gdal-dev] transform options in Python?

Shaun Walbridge shaun.walbridge at gmail.com
Wed May 30 02:28:55 PDT 2012


I'm working with a fairly straightforward Python script to produce geodesic
buffers. One step I need is to force dateline wrapping so my buffers don't
span the globe. I poked around ogr2ogr.cpp, and found that it sets
'WRAPDATELINE=YES'. Looking into ogr.py, I see that papszOptions exists,
but no papszTransformOptions. Despite a decent amount of poking around, I
couldn't figure out how to call OGRGeometryFactory::transformWithOptions()
from within Python.

Am I missing something, or is this something lacking from the OGR Python
bindings? I've tried it with 1.9.0 and trunk, and am happy enough sticking
to calls back to ogr2ogr for now, but figured I'd ask before giving up

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