[gdal-dev] Snowflake Vector Driver

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Aug 30 13:35:00 PDT 2022

Wondering if using the new (Geo)Parquet driver - 
https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/parquet.html - wouldn't help for 
interoperability with Snowflake ?

At least it should currently understand the non-geo part of it, and I 
presume the geo part will come at some point as it seems Snowflake 
support, among others, was one of the driver to develop GeoParquet

Le 30/08/2022 à 22:18, Hans Gregers Hedegaard Petersen a écrit :
> Hi Zachary,
>     So, do you know about any efforts to create a Snowflake Vector
>     driver? What would it take for this to happen?
> Please do not see this as discouragement, but we tried to make sense 
> out of Snowflakes models (both in and out), and  must say we were 
> impressed by their xml-capabilities; they can take any kind of in data 
> and make an output model out of it.
> But
> It
> Is
> A
> Pain(!!!)
> To try to figure out anything consistent with the out-model of it.
> A lot of “magic” happens in their mapping, so we basically took a 
> handful or two of in data files and reverse engineered (read; 
> performed informed guessing) the configuration used for those, so we 
> could hopefully produce the corresponding INSPIRE XML configuration 
> for GeoServer.
> We found that the same (or so it seemed) Snowflake configuration can 
> produce several different outputs depending on version/context/input 
> database column configuration etc
> The journey was long, and our client ended up deprecating the services 
> with a long notice (counted in years) and built “the same” 
> (functionally and not backwards compatible) in a week or two in GeoServer.
> If you need some specific input, I might find an hour or so to 
> scavenge our POC. But I am quite sure it is not worth it without the 
> snowflake secret sauce.
> Cheers,
> Greg
> -- 
> *Hans Gregers Hedegaard Petersen
> *
> Partner, Seniorkonsulent
> gregers at septima.dk
> --------------------------
> Septima P/S
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