[gdal-dev] core dump on dir info

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Feb 6 06:04:54 PST 2024

Le 06/02/2024 à 14:46, Javier Jimenez Shaw a écrit :
> Could you set up your VMs to include those SSE instructions?
I remember older VirtualBox versions indeed had issues to propage AVX to 
guest, but I believed that has been fixed now. I'm not aware of issues 
with SSEx not being propagate.
> I think that keeping VMs that "old" configured is a source of problems 
> using pre-compiled binaries.
> The same way GDAL updates dependencies of compilers and other 
> libraries to something more modern (but not too modern), those SSE 
> instructions should be updated.
> @Even knowing now that the "old" hardware is "virtually old", should 
> we remove AVX2 compatibility from ubuntu-full-latest? I do not know 
> how much is the performance impact.

Well, GDAL itself is built with default compiler flags, so only SSE2 on 
x86_64 (at least currently, but there seems to be a move by some distros 
to switch to SSE4.2 as the baseline)  (some parts of GDAL can use higher 
SSE or AVX instruction sets, but they only do so by checking first 
runtime CPU capabilities)

The tiledb issue was unfortunate in that its default config enables AVX2 
and you have to explicitly disable it. On the ubuntu-full image, we also 
use the Apache .deb for libarrow, and I believe they use SSE4.2.


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